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Prof Jayadatta S

Initiatives by Prof Jayadatta

a)      For now classes are engaged as per the syllabus requirement and audio- video aids are used to make students understand the significance of the course. Fundamental sales concepts (basic one to one methodologies), advanced sales (complex, multibuyer methodologies) advanced sales (complex, multibuyer methodologies), advanced valuations (analytic processes for customer development), sales management (channels and individuals), business communication (personal and group skills) and sales technology (sales effectiveness tools) are taught to students

b)      Throughout the course for various subjects emphasis is laid on developing the analytical skills necessary to understand a customer’s value proposition, frame business issues, create customer insights and present and direct solutions

c)      The marketing students were introduced to management of sales. Rural and services marketing. Students were asked to visit nearby sales distribution outlet, banks, hotel and rural periodic markets to ascertain the operations happening there and make a note of the same and submit it in the form of assignment. Discussion and presentation happen once the students visit the aforesaid places and share his thoughts, experience regarding the same

d)     The core marketing students were introduced to applications of various service industries by learning subjects like Applications of services marketing. Students made an attempt to understand the applications of services marketing in Banking, Insurance, hotel, tourism, wellness and entertainment industry was made by visiting banks, tourist operators and accessing information through website etc.



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